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Jordan Vargas

SHPE Representative
Headshot of Jordan Vargas
Computer Engineering, May 2026
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers

My name is Jordan Vargas and I am a sophomore majoring in Computer Engineering, serving as the Student Engineers’ Council Representative for SHPE this year. I am from northern Virginia but my family is from Bolivia. Some fun facts about me are that I love soccer and ramen. I first got involved with SHPE after being chosen to serve as their Freshman Representative, learning lots from my other executive board members, such as leadership, teamwork, and communication skills. The reason why SHPE is so important to me is because I am able to actively participate in empowering other hispanic students in STEM. Now, as part of the CAMEO board, I have the opportunity to collaborate with other minority engineering organizations to give our members the chance to succeed through the CAMEO CareerFest!