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Dr. Bevlee Watford

Associate Dean of Equity and Engagement
  • Executive Director of the Center for the Enhancement of Engineering Diversity (CEED)
Headshot of Dr. Bevlee Watford
220 Gilbert Street, Rm 3322
Blacksburg, VA 24061
United States


Dean Watford is the Associate Dean for Equity and Engagement and the Executive Director of the Center for the Enhancement of Engineering Diversity (CEED). The Equity and Engagement office is responsible for the recruitment and retention of diverse students, both undergraduate and graduate. This includes a wide array of programs developed and implemented for precollege students as well as programs supporting the academic, professional and personal development of current students. The office is also engaged with engineering faculty and staff to promote diversity and a culture of inclusion for all.


Dean Watford earned all of her degrees from Virginia Tech's College of Engineering (BS Mining Engineering, MS and PhD in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research).


Dean Watford has worked at Virginia Tech since 1992. She has two children, Devon (BIT ‘15) and Leah (SBIO ‘18). Her professional interests are focused on ensuring that all students who desire an engineering degree are successful. She is particularly interested in helping under-represented students achieve their educational and professional goals, whether these goals are in engineering or any other field.